
Report – Rhianna’s Swim

31st August 2017

Rhianna describes the English Channel “Swim and Tonic” challenge as “the most unforgettable, amazing and exciting experience of my life!”

The relay team completed the swim in 14hrs and 42mins. “I couldn’t have wished for better people to share the experience with. Thank you for everyone’s fantastic support and encouragement, especially from Mum and Dad. None of this would have been possible without you!”

As we’ve said before, we are in awe of anyone who completes a challenge such as this, and are grateful for the funds Rhianna has raised through sponsorship. It means a lot and will enable us to continue providing Good Days for our applicants. There is still time to make a donation if you wish. Please contact us in the first instance and and we will put you in touch with Rhianna.

Thanks again Rhianna!

And here are some of her favoutite photos.

Be Inspired.

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